Group Members

Eunseong Kim, Ph.D

Principal investigator


Department of Physics, KAIST

Director of Superconducting Quantum Nanoelectronics Laboratory(SQNL)

Hyeok Hwang, Ph.D

Post-doctoral fellow

Department of Phyisics, KAIST

Taegun Joo

Graduate student

Department of Phyisics, KAIST

Gyum Lee

Graduate student

Department of Phyisics, KAIST

Yongmin Kang

Graduate student

Department of Phyisics, KAIST

Jiwon Kang

Graduate student

Department of Phyisics, KAIST

Minje Park

Graduate student

Department of Phyisics, KAIST

Songbin Lim

Graduate student

Graduate School of Quantum  Science And Technology, KAIST

Jiuk Lee

Graduate student

Department of Physics, KAIST

Jaewon Kwak

Graduate student

Department of Physics, KAIST

Jaesung Ahn

Graduate student

Graduate School of Quantum  Science And Technology, KAIST

Joonyoung Jeon

Research intern

Department of Physics, Yonsei University


We are looking for 

Highly motivated

Graduate student!

Former Group Members

Dr. Duk Young Kim

Supersolid and solid helium-4

Ph.D student (2006-2010)

Currently at Agency for Defense Development (ADD)

Prof. Hyoungsoon Choi

Supersolid and solid helium-4

Post-doctoral researcher

Associate professor at KAIST (Physics), Korea

Choi's ULT lab website:

Dr. Wonsuk Choi

Supersolid and solid helium-4

Ph.D student 

Prof. Hyungoo Kang

Transport in conducting polymers

Ph.D student and postdoc

Assistant professor at CBNU(Physics), Korea.

HOEN lab website:  

Dr. Jaeho Shin

Supersolid and solid helium-4

Ph.D student

Currently at Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT).  

Dr. Oleksiy Zadorozhko

2D superfluidity and AC calorimetry

Postdoctoral researcher

Currently at OIST (Denis Konstantinov group), Japan.  

Dr. Jungil Lee

Quantum transport in graphene nanoribbon

Ph.D student

Currently at Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.  

Dr. Sun-Gyu Park

Superconductor-insulator phase transition

Ph.D student and postdoc

Currently at IBS Center for Artificial Low Dimensional Electronic Systems 

Dr. Jaewon Choi

Supersolid and 2D superfluid

Ph.D student and postdoc

Currently at Staff Scientist, Diamond Light Source, UK.

Dr. Seong Jang

Quantum transport in graphene

Ph.D student and postdoc

Currently at Quantum Nano-electronics Lab in POSTECH. 

Dr. Junghyun Shin

Superconducting nanowires

Ph.D student and postdoc

Currently at Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) .

Dr. Jaekyung Choi
Superconducting qubit system

Ph.D student and postdoc

Currently at Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) .

Soohyun Noh

2D Superconducting Quantum Transport

Ph.D student

Junho Lee

Graduate student

Department of Phyisics, KAIST